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Story of our logo

Find Your Place is not just a tool to share the marketing materials of our partners. Our main task is to be their feet on a ground, in specific market area globally and find exact match within travelers and service providers.

There are two factors that helps us to move forward on road to success. Original finnish nationality and long experience in the GCC area. For those reasons I choose Finland to be our first destination, and United Arab Emirates our starting point for marketing.

First of all, I have been living years outside of Finland on ME area, and learned by working in the field, what are specific that clients are looking for in such market as GCC (Gulf Co-operation Countries) countries. Dubai is the place where each of us are mixed with people coming from 200 nationalities. It is like a melting pot of different cultures and habits from all over the world. In addition living abroad in Irak and Bahrain, getting familiar with travel industry in countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar have given a building ground for a large network globally during last 40 years.

Second, Finland is my "soulhome" because I am originally from Finland, which makes it easy for me to represent it's beautiful nature and destinations, that might be hidden from the main stream Media or organizations telling travelers about the wonders of Finland. It is the old saying: "You need to be a Finn to understand another and to see all those endless possibilities that mother Finland can offer for travelers from far from different cultures.

With these two points in mind together we can reach right client market both ways!

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